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Annual General Meeting 2024
Thursday 19th December at 2pm

We are proud to invite you to this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday the 19th of December. This is your opportunity to hear about what we've been working on, how we've been developing our ability to represent you, and what we will be achieving in the future. 


You will also have the opportunity to ask us questions about the union, your membership and representation, and any other issues that are important to you. 


This year's agenda includes: 

  • An opening speech by the President of the Union,

  • A presentation of the State of the Union by the General Secretary,

  • A proposed change to the Union rules to vote on, and

  • A Question and Answer session with the President and General Secretary


To register please email


We are proposing to change the Rules of the Union following advice from the Trade Union Certification Officer.


The proposed new rules are at New Rules (pdf format)

The original rules are at Old Rules (pdf format)


These changes are designed to explicitly spell out our legal obligations as a Trade Union and were all recommended by the Trade Union Certification Officer.


If you have any questions about the agenda or any other matters which you think should be addressed before the AGM please contact us at

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