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Millions of workers are unhappy at work.
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Unhappy at work? Getting help and advice about workplace grievances

Anyone can have problems at work. 


Work should be enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding and your employer should treat you fairly. 


When problems arise at work, you may need to make a grievance and we can help you make sure the policy and processes are properly followed.


You should try to initially resolve your grievance informally by talking to your manager, but if this doesn’t work then you may need to raise the matter formally. This will involve using your employer’s formal procedures for grievances, and it is important to look at any company handbook or human resources (HR) manuals or websites.


You are legally entitled to be accompanied at any grievance hearing by one of our union representatives.




Your union representative is your starting point for getting help from us with any problem at work.


Sometimes members feel that they can sort things out on their own, but it is important to talk to your union representative as soon as possible. Sometimes trying to sort out an issue without proper advice can make the problem much worse. We are here to help you and you can contact your union representative by calling 0333 2423 526.


Your union representative will discuss the situation with you, agree a way forward with you and together they will help you achieve the best possible outcome for you.


You have a legal right to belong to a trade union and your employer is forbidden from treating you unfavourably because you join a trade union, take part in trade union activities or use the services trade unions provide for their members.  You also have a right to be accompanied by a trade union representative at any grievance meetings, disciplinary hearings and disciplinary appeals.


* From Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act (1992) and Employment Rights (1998)

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